

The main objectives of the Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Services including Dairying


1. To augment Production of milk, meat, egg and other animal bi-products.

2. To make available the high quality and productive livestock and poultry breeds for multiplication and supply to the needy farmers of the state by providing advanced breeding services for upgradation of indigenous cattle and buffaloes.

3. Delivery of necessary livestock health care through timely immunization against total diseases, proper diagnosis and rational treatment for optimization of livestock production.

4. To educate people by imparting training on modern and scientific methods of livestock farming and extension activities.

5. To provide animal power for farming, better land use pattern the land which is not suited for arable cropping should be brought under fodder production.

6. Creation of thousands of Self-employment opportunities throughout the year by adopting, animal husbandry on large scale for sustainable income of the rural masses of the state.